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Please note: All Parkland websites utilize Clever to log in. Some of my tutorial videos may begin with the old log in process, but otherwise will still show you how to navigate the sites. I have created a video to help show you how to log in with Clever. 


Here are 5 tips to help when homework becomes frustrating. 

1. Instead of, "I don't understand how they teach math today," say, ""I learned math differently. Look at your work and let's try to figure it out together."


2. Instead of, "Why don't you add some more details to your writing," say, "This is very good work so far, I'd like to know more!"


3. Instead of, "The answer is 38," say, "Take it one step at a time. I'm here if you get stuck."


4. Instead of, "This doesn't make sense," say, "This is confusing to me too. Let's write a note to your teacher."


5. Instead of, "If you don't finish your homework, you'll get a bad grade," say, "Do your best. Your teacher and I care about effort and not being perfect."

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